Different Types of Portrait Photography
Did you know that portrait photography is a diverse photography genre with several sub-genres? Noted as one of the most popular and interesting genres, portrait photography comes in different sub-genres or types. If you have visited an Orlando photography studio like Digital Dream Studio in Orlando, you may have noticed different shapes and sizes of photographs displayed inside. These are some samples of the different types of photography. Each type has its unique characteristics and each uses different techniques.
Though unique on their own, these different types of portrait photography share the same objective. That is, to capture not only images of people but also their personality. With portrait photography, photographers in Orlando FL go beyond just capturing the physical beauty of a smiling person or group of people. They also capture their subject’s characteristics, individuality, and qualities either clinically or artistically through effective poses, lighting, and backdrops.
If you are looking into having a portrait photograph for yourself, your family, friends, or colleagues, it is best to start by familiarizing yourself with the different types of portraits so that you will know your options beforehand. Check out some of them below.
Lifestyle Portrait
A lifestyle portrait depicts the real everyday life or lifestyle of the subject. This is where the best Orlando photographers can get more creative in capturing touching memories and in bringing out the images that best picture their subject’s lifestyle. This type is also less restricted, not posed, mostly candid, and is taken in different environments.
Conceptual Portrait
A conceptual portrait is like a creative portrait that aims to capture a concept or idea within a portrait photograph. To effectively achieve and convey the concept, the best photographers in Orlando FL need to use props, setting, and tricks like perspective manipulation, wardrobe, makeup, and levitation.
Group or Family Portrait
As its name suggests, this type of portrait includes a family or a group as the subject. A typical family picture taken by an Orlando family portrait photographer falls under this sub-genre.
During the old days, a family portrait only includes members of the family. It requires everyone to wear formal or Sunday clothes and is shot by a Florida family photographer at the family’s residence. These days, however, people are more open to taking a family or group portrait not only with their immediate family but also their extended families and even a group of friends.
The great thing about this sub-genre is that the Orlando family photographers can be able to capture the simon-pure interaction of the subjects, making the photograph more compelling and interesting.
Traditional Portrait
Traditional photography is perhaps the first thing that will come to your mind when you see the word portrait. This is the type of portrait that is shot inside a typical digital studio in Orlando, FL with lighting and a formal backdrop. With this style, the subject poses at his/her best angle and looks directly at the camera. Traditional portraits can either be a full body or a head and shoulder portrait like that of a traditional portrait composition.
Formal Portrait
A formal portrait is regarded as a sub-genre of family or group portrait and traditional portrait. A formal portrait is a serious type of photography that will require the subject to wear business or formal attire. This type of portrait also requires careful arrangement of subjects and their poses. It also requires the use of optimal lighting to ensure that the subjects will look their best.
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